
Курс «Elementary» рассчитан на слушателей, имеющих базовые представления о грамматике и разговорной практике английского языка, но не обладающих систематическими знаниями грамматики и не имеющих достаточного словарного запаса. Программа курса рассчитана на развитие 4 видов навыков: разговорная речь, восприимчивость информации на слух, грамматика, письменная речь. Курс включает разговорную практику по тематике повседневной жизни с объемом новой лексики 25-30 слов за урок в классе; базовую грамматику английского языка (основные времена и грамматические конструкции), аудирование в классе и дома, и письменные упражнения в рамках домашних заданий. Занятия проводят русскоязычные преподаватели.

Наименование курса:

- Elementary - Начальный курс английского языка - 2.

Продолжительность курса:

Общий объем курса:
Групповые занятия: 100 ак. ч.
Индивидуальные занятия: 100 ак. ч.

Время занятий групп на курсах:

  • утренние — с 9-00 до 12-00, с 10-00 до 13-00
  • дневные — с 12-00 до 15-00, с 13-00 до 16-00, с 15-00 до 18-00
  • вечерние — с 18-00 до 21-00, 19-00 до 22-00
  • группы выходного дня: суббота и/или воскресенье — c 10-00 до 13-00, с 13-00 до 15-00, с 15-00 до 18-00.
*** В отдельных (исключительных) случаях время занятий может быть изменено.

Стоимость курса:

  • групповое обучение:
    • ак. часов: 100
    • базовая стоимость: 5630 руб.
    • утро/день: 4500 руб.
    • вечер/выходной: 4500 руб.
    • стоимость уровня: 16890 руб.
    • этапов: 4
  • индивидуальное обучение:
    • цена: 900 руб. за 1 ак. ч.

Учебная программа курса:

Unit 1

Grammar: Verb to be am/is/are. Possessive adjectives my, your, her, his
Vocabulary: Names of countries. Using a bilingual dictionary. Everyday objects stamp, hug. key. Keeping a vocabulary book
Everyday English: The alphabet. How do you spell...?
Skills work: Listening and speaking. ’Hello and goodbye’
Grammar: a or an? a boy, an apple
Vocabulary: Countries and nationalities. Word stress Turkey, Japan Numbers 1-100. Telephone numbers
Unit 2
Grammar: Verb to be. Questions and negatives. Possessive’s Martin’ s son
Vocabulary: Family relationships mother, uncle. Opposite adjectives old — young, big — small
Everyday English: In a cafe. Can I have a ...? Food and drink a ham sandwich, a cup of tea
Skills work: Reading and listening. Paola’s letter. Five conversations in Paola’s day
Grammar: Plural nouns; books, bliss’s, countries. people
Vocabulary: What’s the matter? I’m tired. Saying prices
Unit 3
Grammar: Present Simple (1) 3rd person She teaches French. questions and negatives
Vocabulary: Jobs; A pilot/lies a plane.
Everyday English: What time is it? Can you tell me [lie time. please?
Skills work: Reading and listening ’The long-distance teacher’ .Listening and speaking. Five conversations in Frank’s day
Grammar: Spelling of 3rd person singular goes, washes. Flies. Question words Where? How old?
Vocabulary: Daily routines get up, go to work Verbs and nouns that go together cook dinner
Writing: Personal pronouns and possessive adjectives I, me, my Rewriting a text
Unit 4
Free time
Grammar: Present Simple (2) all persons On Saturdays 1 get up at 9.00. I love cooking! Articles; She’s a student. I work /or The Times. We go to work by car.
Vocabulary: Free time activities; painting, sailing play or go; play football go dancing
Everyday English: Social English Excuse me. I’m sorry. Pardon?
Skills work: Reading and listening Three people talk about their free time and favourite season. Speaking What’s your favourite season?
Grammar: Adverbs of frequency always, never
Vocabulary: Opposites love — hate
Writing: An informal letter A letter to a penfriend
Unit 5
Grammar: There is/are Prepositions of place; The dog is in front of the fire. some and any with countable nouns; There are some apples. Are there any oranges?
Vocabulary: Things in the house; living room. armchair, mirror. Places, people, food, and drink; house, children, wine
Everyday English: Directions (1); Excuse me! Is there a chemist’s near here?
Skills work: Speaking and listening Picture differences: the living room. Reading ’Inside Buckingham Palace’. Listening and speaking. Where I live.
Grammar: this/that/these/those. Do you like this photograph?
Vocabulary: Rooms and objects bathroom, soap. Numbers 100-1,000
Writing: Linking words and, so, but, because Writing about where you live
Unit 6
What can you do?
Grammar: can/can’t. I can speak French, hut I can’t speak Japanese. was/were — could ; I could swim when I was five.
Vocabulary: Skills and abilities; I can use a word processor. Words that sound the same; hear/here, see/sea
Everyday English: At the airport; Can I see your passport, please?
Skills work: Speaking. What can computers do? Reading and speaking (jigsaw). ’Two teenage geniuses’
Grammar: How much? How much was it before?
Vocabulary: Saying years. 1915 — nineteen fifteen. Words that go together ask — a question
Writing: A formal letter. A letter of application for a job
Unit 7

Then and now
Grammar: Past Simple (1); regular verbs She started work in 1916. questions and negatives; When did she die? irregular verbs; He left school in 1982.
Vocabulary: Words with silent letters eight /eit/ ; listen /lisn/
Everyday English: Special occasions. Happy Birthday! Merry Christmas!
Skills work: Speaking (information gap). Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. Reading ’Charles Dickens’
Grammar: More irregular verbs began, wrote
Vocabulary: Parts of speech noun, verb, adjective, preposition
Writing: Writing a paragraph. Describing a holiday

Unit 8
How things began
Grammar: Past Simple (2) negatives and ago. People didn’t watch TV 100 years ago.. Time expressions in 1924, on Tuesday
Vocabulary: Odd one out orange apple cliic’ken
Everyday English: Ordinals. first, second, third. Dates What’s the date? It’s 4 January.
Skills work: Reading and listening ’How things began’. Listening and speaking (a picture story). A Parisian burglar. Listening and speaking ’How we met’
Grammar: Compounds with some- and any- . somebody, anybody, somewhere, anywhere, something, anything
Vocabulary: Inventions computer washing machine
Writing: Linking words because, when, until Describing your best friend
2 часть курсов английского Headway Elementary

Unit 9
Food and drink
Grammar: like and would like. 1 like apples. I’d like an apple. some and any with countable and uncountable nouns. There’s some sugar. There aren’t any eggs.
Vocabulary: Food and drink. Shops and things to buy. newsagent’s a phone card. Word search on food.
Everyday English: In a hotel. Could I have a double room? Could you give me the hill?
Skills work: Speaking. Likes and dislikes Roleplay. Going shopping. Reading and listening. ’Meals in Britain’. Six mealtime conversations.
Grammar: How much...? or How many ...? How much homework do you get? How many languages do you speak?
Vocabulary: Adjectives that describe food and drink. brown bread black coffee
Writing: Formal and informal letters. A letter to a hotel and a letter to a friend.

Unit 10
Describing places
Grammar: Comparative adjectives. cheaper more expensive have got and have. I’ve got a good job. 1 have a good job. Superlative adjectives. the oldest the most modern
Vocabulary: Opposite adjectives. clean — dirty Town and country words. traffic lights, field
Everyday English: Directions (2). prepositions of movement past, through
Skills work: Roleplay. A king and a queen heading and speaking (jigsaw). ’Two capital cities’
Grammar: Compounds with every-and no-. everybody, nobody everywhere, nowhere everything, nothing
Vocabulary: Compound nouns. town centre, motorway
Writing: Relative pronouns. who, that, which Writing about your capital city.

Unit 11
Describing people
Grammar: Present Continuous He’s wearing glasses. Whose? and possessive pronouns. Whose is this dog? It’s mine.
Vocabulary: Describing people. He’s got long hair. Clothes and colours. She’s wearing a red suit. Words that rhyme. steak/wake
Everyday English: In a clothes shop. Can I try it on? will for a decision. I’ll have the blue jumper.
Skills work: Speaking. Picture differences: the hotel pool listening and writing. Who’s who at the party? Listening. ’Wonderful tonight’ (a song)
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous. What do they do? What are they doing?
Vocabulary: Pans of the body. back, knee
Writing: Linking words. although, because of Describing two people in your family.

Unit 12
Planning the future
Grammar: going to future I’m going to be a dancer. Infinitive of purpose. I’m going to Holland to see the tulips.
Vocabulary: The weather. sunny, windy What’s the weather like?
Everyday English: Making suggestions. What shall we do? Let’s have a pizza.
Skills work: Reading and speaking. Dangerous sports ’The Rock Star!’ Speaking (information gap). What’s the weather like today?
Grammar: Auxiliaries. am/is/are, do/does/did
Vocabulary: Word stress. airport guitar
Writing: Writing a postcard.
Test 3

Unit 13
Did you know that?
Grammar: Question forms How many ...? What sort...? What happened ...? Adverbs. quickly, slowly well, hard
Vocabulary: Talking about a book. What sort of story is it? What’s it about?
Everyday English: Catching a train. A return ticket,, please.
Skills work: Speaking (information gap). Laurel and Hardy. Listening and speaking. ’In the middle of the night’. Reading and listening. A short story called ’The Girl with Green Eyes’
Grammar: Question forms. Which one?
Vocabulary: Noun and adjective suffixes. colour — colourful, sun — sunny. -ing and -ed adjectives. bored — boring
Writing: Adverbs. happy — happily. Writing a story. Once upon a time.

Unit 14
In my life
Grammar: Present Perfect with ever and never I’ve never been to Canada. with yet and just. We haven’t seen a show yet. I’ve just been in Central Park.
Vocabulary: Odd one out. waitress nephew grandmother widow
Everyday English: Telephoning. Can I speak to Jo. please?
Skills work: Listening and speaking. What have you done in your life? Reading and speaking. ’Three amazing grandmas’
Grammar: been or gone? Jane’s gone to Portugal. I’ve been to Portugal
Vocabulary: What is it? It’s very interesting. I’ve just read chapter 10. It = a book/novel
Writing: Filling in a form

Unit 15
Thank you and goodbye
Grammar: Verb patterns / want to go home. We enjoyed meeting you. It’s easy to learn English. say and tell. She said that the party was good. She told me that the party was good
Vocabulary: Multi-word verbs. He took off his coat. The plane took off.
Everyday English: Problems with officials. You can’t enter the country. have to for obligation. You have to fill in a customs form
Skills work: Speaking. Acting out dialogues. Reading and listening. ’She’s leaving home’ (a song).
Grammar: Obligation. have to/has to Policemen have to wear a uniform.
Vocabulary: Noun suffixes and word stress. describe, description Words that are nouns and verbs. cook, love
Writing: A thank-you letter, paragraphing, writing an envelope.
Checking Exam

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Для того, чтобы стать нашим слушателем, Вам необходимо подойти в учебный отдел нашего Центра, заключить договор на обучение и оплатить стоимость курса с учетом скидки, которая предоставляется всем посетителям, получившим информацию на этом сайте. По условию договора абитуриент может внести предоплату (50% от стоимости обучения). Вторая часть оплаты вносится до второго занятия обучения.
